Game missing?
1 month ago
United States

Is there somewhere that explains reasons why a specific game might not exist on the site?

There is a AA/AAA game that released a few months ago that I'm surprised isn't on the site and I don't understand why. I can't find any references to it on the site at all. It has been long enough since release that I don't expect there to be a run embargo or whatever it's called. There are games from the same dev & publisher that are on the site. Can someone explain how this works?



Games that are not part of an established series must be manually requested through the support hub. If you're not seeing a game, it either means nobody's requested it yet, or it's not eligible for one of the reasons listed there.

For games that are part of an established series, talk to the series moderator directly (if they're inactive or there isn't a series moderator, then support hub).

Pear нравится это
United States

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!

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