Small community looking for runners?
6 years ago
United States

Wii Sports Resort Category Extensions. :)

Nodlih и Seydie нравится это
Ohio, USA

here is a fun puzzle platformer. I think it just released on the Switch so it is now out on all four systems. I am trying to get sub 45.

Seydie нравится это
North Brabant, Netherlands

Try joining Speedrun Weekly. If the voting tied, we got for the one with the least runners.

Also the game Crack Down is a good one. There is a bounty on it even.

Seydie нравится это
Pays de la Loire, France Very old game but it's really fun to play, or else there is , a very good game about worms in a war.

Seydie нравится это

Conflict: Desert Storm only has one active runner so it could use some people to run it as it is still heavily unoptimized. The game can be pirated or bought on Steam though it's not very short around an hour fifteen minutes to an hour and a half run but to me it's really fun to look for faster routes.

Seydie нравится это

There are so many Mario runners yet it's been hard to gather attention for "games" made within Mario Maker. The Ocarina of Time remake in particular needs runners, it's a great run with a lot of skips (and probably many more we haven't found yet) but our tiny community hasn't been able to do it justice yet. The optimal time is at least a third of my "world record," basically anyone with platforming experience should be able to go snag that with minimal effort. I keep meaning to make time to grind it myself but I was sick through the holidays, then working through stuff in the new year and excuses excuses excuses... someone please come motivate us to do things. This game deserves a clean deathless WR from somebody.

A lot of the levels are non-linear and the route has a lot of little skips to learn but it shouldn't be difficult at all to pick up just from watching since it's all just movement, no weird tech to learn. I've also been meaning to make a tutorial explaining the route so far as a way to maybe bring in some new runners but if I can't even find the time to grind I can't find the time to put something like that together. So maybe "soon."

Seydie нравится это
West Sussex, England

From what I understand the Harry Potter series isn't overly popular, but it had been gathering attention from a few people in recent times. Me included. The runners there are still looking into new routes and glitches, and I managed to do a couple of them myself. All I really need now is a capture card for quality, but if all else fails I'll just point my webcam at the TV.

Seydie нравится это

Honestly, it seems that there are many games without many runners, you just have to look for them, particularly for indie games.

After all, the games with most runners are those that are considered classics or mostly mainstream(or hacks of them), if you look, you can easily find a game with little to no runners and start a community...or get an easy top 5 due to it.

For example, the metroidvania Ghost 1.0 only has two runs here for the bad ending category, same goes for Castle In The Darkness.

Granted, it means less competition, and if you stream, less viewers than a SM64 run attempt would get, but you would become a new member for a small community.

Seydie нравится это

@SilentStorm I didn't guess there would be so many replies ^^ It is true to easily find games with ~ 5 runners or less. But alot of games are inactive and the 2 runners aren't running it anymore.

I was looking for games with active runners looking for more runners, and I don't stream, I simply run and enjoy to talk. Blowing more life in some gems. And hopefully more people read this and will do runs of the games listed here. I love become a new member for a small community.

And I will look at every game commented and run as many as I can whenever I have free time ^^

Thanks again for all the replies!

SilentStorm нравится это
Texas, USA

I would love it if more people ran the King's Field games. They hold a special place in my heart.

Seydie нравится это
Pennsylvania, USA

OMG YES! SOMETHING LIKE THIS! Please. Unkill New Rally X/Rally X. There is only like ONE run in the last couple months. I personally love this game. (and if it unkills, I’ll run it) Edit: Note: it’s pretty much Pac-Man but cars and better

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago

Seydie is looking for games with active runners but with a small community, not dead or almost dead games(in terms of speedruns) so i don't think New Rally X is something Seydie will want to try.

But go for it, i am trying to run Fight'N Rage, which only has one run on this site, with Gal(as she is the fastest character even if dealing little damage and having low HP) and i am hoping i can make one run soon in the next month or so.

If you love the game, you should try to run it, arcade games seem like the perfect mix of challenging yet short games to speedrun, at least to my noob eyes, part of the reason why i am trying to run a beat'em'up actually.

Seydie нравится это
Richmond, VA, USA

Street Fighter II for Gameboy. I'm the mod and am always welcoming new runners :) hope to see you there.

MisterJRJA нравится это
United States | Fun game that is based off of Super Meat Boy, best plot 10/10 and I’m only RTA runner :( | Small game that is based on the RGB color spectrum, biggest skip is inconsistent tho lmao | Level platformers that every time you die you get sent back to a random level that you passed, fun and my video on YouTube got 70+ views (even tho I have 0 subs)

Enjoy -Nova

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago
Red5rainbow нравится это
Victoria, Australia

The game came out like three weeks ago and the current small community is active. The developer is pretty sweet too, implementing an individual level timer in the near future and always fixes any bugs. Similar to a game called Refunct, but still a completely different in a sense.

Florida, USA

Feel free to give Starflight a try. I posted a guide for the run and I'm fairly sure anyone with an hour can get a sub-5 and get on the list.

The run is about as easy as it gets mechanically. It's the RNG factor that keeps me from lowering my current time at this point. But I'd call it an ideal candidate for a "Beginners" running game.

Utah, USA

Check out Supraland. There isn't a speedrun page for it now because the game is still in early access I'd rather have one of the discord mods claim it. There are only about 3 runners and I have the only recorded runs.

Any/All, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
6 years ago

Might not be what you’re looking for because no one has run it yet but I’ve recently been practicing running through the game Ever Oasis (on the 3DS) and I would be absolutely thrilled if someone else were to try running it! It’s a pretty long game though; the average time needed to complete the game is 22 hours

I feel like I almost doomed myself to lonliness by picking this game though, it’s long, came out over a year ago, and even at it’s peak there was never much hype for it, but it’s a game I love and it has a beautiful aesthetic and I want to express that love somehow

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago
Any/All, He/Him, They/Them, It/Its
6 years ago

@Novaeu the game Color Theory looks interesting to me, I might try running that.

Edit: sorry for double posting

Отредактировано пользователем автор 6 years ago
Novaeu нравится это

Well. could use more people :D There are 2 active people on the community at the moment. Game short and full of execution and no real small glitches outside of the other category we have or just have not found :D