Speedrun.com app please
4 years ago

They should make an app to help accesability on mobile if even go as far to say I’d pay a couple bucks

grnts нравится это

[quote=BIG-FRIDGE]even go as far to say I’d pay a couple bucks[/quote]

No you wouldn't lol.

Just gonna copy and paste my response from that other thread since it's the same thing I always say when this comes up: [quote=ShikenNuggets]There are a few unofficial apps, I doubt there are any plans to make an official one (and if there is, it would be very low on the list of priorities). The site works pretty well in mobile browsers as it is, and creating/maintaining a mobile app (and multiple versions of that app for IOS, Android, etc) would create a lot of extra work for site staff that could instead be used to improve the site for everybody.[/quote]

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grnts, Hako и 2 другие нравится это
Phoenix, AZ, USA

I use Chrome on Android and this site works great for me.


Yeah chrome on android is not perfect but it's good enough tbh

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