Small community looking for runners?
6 years ago
United Kingdom

The 2 Battalion Wars games could do with some love, I'm the only active runner. Also, individual level runs are more popular than full game, so it's quick to learn.

Pennsylvania, USA

You could try Meteor 60 Seconds!. As the name implies, it takes less than a minute to speedrun for most categories. And it's free on Steam. We have five runners at the moment.

United States

Here are two really quick, easy, fun, free PC games with almost no runners.

United States

Hi! I am a mod for a game that is 2 years old but just now has been entered into this website. There have already been speedruns for it, but none have been entered on this website. It is called Chameleon Run and I just set it up, so there are no runners for it, but it is a mobile game for $1.99 and it is really fun. The route is pretty simple for most of the game, it only has 20 levels for any% route and there are individual worlds you can run (I ran world 1 with a trash time of 20 minutes XD). It is meant for speedrunning as the end level tells you so. It has an in-game timer which you can see your best time in the level with. it's an intuitive platformer which can be beaten in under 2 minutes if good enough. There is no route except which Chameleons to get (they unlock more levels), and since it's a new game, even that hasn't been discovered, so it's up to you to decide the route.


I bet you have hands full of options by now, but let's put one more for good measure. Styx: Shards of Darkness ( ) There used to be another runner (or is he taking a break? I dunno), currently there is just me. Fun out of bounds stuff, pretty chill game, same goes for prequel (Styx: Master of Shadows).

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, its a 3rd person shooter that runs like a platformer. There are only around 5 of us active but tons of time put in between us. Not sure about learning all the tricks in 24 hours but i cant say that is a bad thing, some are quite precise. There are tutorials and such on youtube but they mostly feature older strats as we are constantly discovering new routes. The IL boards in particular can use some odd strategies, keeping this in mind we all post our runs publicly for all to see. Aswell as an open discord where we post all our recent finds, and help anyone who needs it.

编辑者 作者 5 years ago
Illinois, USA

Some Sega Genesis/Mega Drive games:

The Amazing Spider-Man vs The Kingpin - Gargoyles - Atomic Robo-Kid - (Requested a leaderboard today. Hopefully will be up soon!)

All of these games have been known to be a challenge. But I think with time, anyone can pick up and run these games. Specific details below:

Spider-Man vs Kingpin - About 4 months old now, game category currently has two categories for Normal and Nightmare difficulty settings. Current WRs are around 8 or 9 mins, making this Sub-10 game, but I believe it can become a Sub-7 game (maybe lower). Main differences in difficulty is the damage Spider-Man receives, skip-able areas, certain stages/locations where Venom shows up (e.g. Power station right before Electro). I also think Mary Jane gets lowered into acid a tad faster on Nightmare than on Normal. Key to getting a good time is optimized web swing movement, health/web management, good boss kills, the bomb defuse at the end.

Gargoyles - Live for well over a year or so now, categories are Easy, Normal, and Hard Any %. Currently there are no times submitted for Hard, and I've been meaning to get one run in, though admittedly it's not as cool as the lower difficulty runs, as you can't do all of the neat tricks because Goliath dies much more easily. The movement in this game can start out rough, but give Goliath a good push, then he's a running, jumping tank. Game takes advantages of damage boosting to minimize stun lock animation frames and reach higher locations, tanking hits ("juggernaut run"), clips/skips through various stages, and good boss kills. Current WR is 13:05, but I believe with lots of work finding new routes, clips, etc. and enemy manipulation, this game could be Sub-10.

Atomic Robo-Kid - Just submitted leader board request today with a 30:43 as the default time. Understand how the enemies work and what your best weapons are (I believe the "F" weapon which we dubbed the "Cheetos gun" is the absolute best, with the "M" weapon being second best because it can destroy enemy projectiles), and this 30:43 time is free. For me, worst part of the run are the "duels", as I lost a lot of lives during it, as well as certain bosses that require me to wait for them to move in certain positions to maneuver around them.

Pays de la Loire, France

worms open warfare 2 3D monster maze Labyrinth(ZX81) Skyroads

Texas, USA

PokeyPoke is short, fun, easy glitches, and an overall nice platformer. Not to many entries.

Texas, USA

You can always join some of my lonely little games! These are mostly abandonware games, and each of these has a link to the game hosted online in the "resources" section. Spider-Man - There's one super useful glitch that's easy to learn, but it's just as easy to mess up the timing Home Alone - my route is learnable in a day, but that doesn't mean there's not a better route. Glitch list is in the "guides" section. Island of Dr Brain - maybe not learnable within a day, but it's not too hard and more of a fun run if you learn the various puzzles and you have a certain number of skips you can use to bypass puzzles you aren't good at or take too long.

South Carolina, USA

Splatter Its a top down shooter on pc that can be had for the low low price of $1 on steam or 49 cents until july 19th 2018

Texas, USA

I would also say the Lunar games could do with some more runners. I believe it's quite an obscure game. I would also love for some to speedrun some Namco arcade games that are more obscure and Japan based.

Connecticut, USA

Azada, it’s a great point and click game that only myself and one other run. I am the mod, and would love to see other people get into it.

Connecticut, USA

Dr. Mario Express as well, I want to run it but with no competition it’s not very fun

Connecticut, USA

No offense, I mean it, but neither are obscure games like Doraemon. But what do I know? Just for me saying that there’s gonna be 3 new runs in the next week. XD

Iowa, USA

My friend and I are looking for more players for Carnage Lair! It's a platformer-shooter and it's pretty fun to run.


Just wanna repost some things that @Seydie said to keep the thread ontopic, thought I recommend reading 1st post :)

What I am looking for:

  • The current route should be learnable in a day
  • Time doesn't matter
  • ~ 5 runners or less who did a run of it.
  • Console doesn't matter
  • Atleast 1 run And I am looking for games with runners
New Jersey, USA

omori pls ???

Are we sure this topic, several times necroposted now, is still relevant to @Seydie at all now?