NivelPrimer lugar
1 He can't be far.
2 We'll make it quick.
3 I Say we head north
4 Bad way to go out
5 You got a death wish
6 Drifters on the mountain
7 Bugged the hell out
8 No straving patriots
9 Sounded like engines
10 Clear out these nests
11 Smoke on the mountain
12 Out of nowhere
13 They're not sleeping
14 Price on your head
15 Drugged outta his mind
16 What did you do?
17 Searching for something
18 It's not safe here
19 Lots of sick people
20 It's a rifle not a gun
21 Making contact
22 The rest of our drugs
23 I brought you something
24 I've pulled weeds before
25 What have they done
26 No one saw it coming
27 Not gonna kill anyone
28 We've all done things (END LL)
29 Sherman's camp is crawling
30 I need your help
31 Searching for Lisa
32 Now you see it
33 Playing all night
34 With other men's blood
35 It's on a mission
36 A goddamn war zone
37 Flow like buried rivers
38 You see what they did
39 Do you have my back?
40 On Herod's birthday
41 Seeds for spring
42 I got a job for you
43 It couldn't be that easy
44 They don't like visitors
45 That's when I knew
46 It's a long story
47 Moments of lucidity
48 Some kinda freak expert
49 Lines not crossed
50 We're not hiding
51 That's his mistake
52 Drinking himself to death
53 You twisted my arm
54 You could have done more
55 Not like I got a choice
56 No beginning and no end
57 Better to light one candle
58 Don't get caught
59 They don't feel pain
60 It was the only way
61 I kept my name
62 Should have seen it coming
63 They will never stop
64 Now that's an idea
65 That never gets old
66 Time for some payback
67 Riding nomad again
68 Mayday!Mayday!
69 Not from around here
70 We're fighting a war (END DL)
71 Prove it to me
72 Driven to extinction
73 A target on their backs
74 I promise to never leave you
75 I don't have a pic
76 Keeping souvenirs
77 I've had better days
78 I tried to hit that once
79 You got the wrong guy
80 Just another requisition form
81 Can I ask you something?
82 So many of them
83 You couldn't stop shaking
84 What kept me going
85 I knew these people
86 Expect the worst
87 We couldn't take the risk
88 I don't wanna hang
89 This could be it
90 Chemult horde (horde 1)
91 What it takes to survive
92 The anarchist spy
93 Shadow of death
94 Ascending from the underworld
95 Keep them safe (horde 2)
96 Three camps
97 Nose down, they feed ya
98 Sawmill Horde (horde 3)
99 You can't do this alone
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Publicado 2 years ago
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Publicado 4 years ago
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Publicado 4 years ago
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Publicado 5 years ago
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