Style Switcher 3.1.3 is banned
5 months ago

It has been revealed that an older version of Style Switcher that comes with a quick fix package found on PCGamingWiki ( changes something with the game that causes a Stinger slide to happen in M6 spike room where it is normally not possible. I do not know if other such spots or deviations are present in the mod, so to avoid any trouble, this version of the mod is banned. I only know of one run with this, which will be removed to be consistent with previous bans of Style Switcher versions.

Please use either Style Switcher 2.4.3 or 3.1.6 (latest) found in the resources page.

Also changing the FOV of the game from 0.5 to anything else is banned as causes the player to see more or less enemies on screen depending on the value and since the game has camera aggro it can be favorable or unfavorable depending on the situation. It may also have other unknown effects down the line which could lead to taking action so to avoid that, changing FOV is banned.

Modificato da l'autore 5 months ago
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I just made an improved version of DMC3SE Style Switcher Starter Pack with version 3.1.6 and XInput Plus included which is the traditional Xbox controller fix.

Modificato da l'autore 4 months ago
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